Bhujangasana (Cobra)

Photo by Elina Fairytale: Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), derived from Sanskrit words, literally translating to meaning โ€˜snakeโ€™, is a classic yoga pose popularly practiced within Hatha yoga and significantly used within Vinyasa sequences as a lift from the mat. It is a calming and grounding posture which helps to revitalize the body, unwind the mind, and enhance flexibility. While it is mainly a back bend for the spine, Bhujangasana also involves a strong engagement of the arms, chest and abdominals.

Origins & History

Bhujangasana is a classical yogic posture that has been practiced for generations and is referenced in various ancient scriptures including the renowned Shiva Samhita and Hatha Ratnavali. It is a unique pose that is often considered to be a symbol of power and courage derived from snake-like qualities and incorporating symbolic elements to alert intuitiveness and alertness.


With its emphasis on chest and abdominal muscles, Cobra Pose helps to expand the rib cage, encouraging deeper more full breaths. Regular practice of Bhujangasana can also help to stretch the abdominals and tone the core, and in doing so can offer therapeutic advantages to relieve lower back pain and assist in improving digestion. This posture is also the ideal opportunity to stretch the shoulders, counteract stiffness and improve circulation.

Getting into the Pose

Bhujangasana is best done after completing a set of Cat-Cow poses, as these postures help to warm up the spine and prepare the body for the pose ahead.

  1. Start by lie down on your mat, or a non-slip surface and place your hands palms down in line with your shoulders. Extend your legs straight out in front and rest the tops of your feet or on the floor.
  2. Maintaining equal pressure of your palms, slowly bring your upper body off the floor. Keep in mind that your elbows will be bent in the finished posture.
  3. The posture relies on the strength of your back and core. Only pull the chest up as far as your back and core will allow. Use your arms only for stability and a way to create more range of motion. Your arms should not be doing the work to support this pose.
  4. Bring your shoulder blades down your back, pushing your chest out and up.
  5. Relax your buttocks and glutes, engaging the lower abdominals to help assist your back muscles.
  6. Hold here, taking deep breaths and creating as much extension as comfortable.
  7. To exit the pose, slowly lower your body back onto the mat. Give yourself permission to rest before getting up.

Tips and Tricks

  • When entering Bhujangasana, mind the lower back and engage your lower abdominals to support your back.
  • Use the inhales to expand the chest and the exhales to lightly soften the lower back.
  • If your neck gets tense, focus your gaze towards the floor in front of you.
  • You do not need to go as far as you can each time you practice. Move your body as far as comfortable and experience the abdominal and muscles stretch.
  • Connect breath with movement and move fluidly, slowly and consciously.

Vinyasa Sequence

Bhujangasana can be practiced on its own or within the following Vinyasa sequence:

  1. Start by moving through cat pose (Marjaryasana) and Cow Pose (Bitilasana) to warm up the spine.
  2. From cat pose (Marjaryasana) or Cow Pose (Bitilasana), move into Downward Facing Dog (Adho mukha svanasana).
  3. Transition into Chaturanga Dandasana (Half-Plank Position) and lower your entire torso to the floor.
  4. Move into Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose).
  5. Hold the pose and steady the breath. Then slowly and mindfully bring your upper body back down onto the mat and relax completely onto the floor.
  6. Allow the energy from Cobra pose to reverberate through your body.


Bhujangasana is an invigorating posture to integrate in a yoga practice for its many physical and psychological benefits. A practice emphasizing consistent breath and attention to specific areas of the body can assist the body in actively opening the chest and developing physical strength and clarity of the mind. Regular practice of Bhujangasana is an effective way to nurture these aspects and assist in establishing a balanced energy within the body and mind.


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