How Reflection in Yoga Classes Can Help Bring Perspective to Your Practice

Photo by Yan Krukau: Observation and Reflection in Class

Yoga is often touted for its transformative power, promising students that by immersing themselves in the ancient practice, they can make dramatic improvements to their physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

To a certain extent, this is true! With consistent sequence practice, students can cultivate strength and flexibility, learn how to manage their emotional states, and even access glimpses of consciousness beyond the understanding of the mind.

However, for the majority of practitioners, the journey to achieving these powerful results is a long and winding one. Accountability, dedication, and above all else, reflection, can be powerful tools in helping to navigate this winding journey.

With reflection, practitioners can gain insight into their experience of past classes, which can illuminate their current practice and their desired outcomes going forward.

Through observation of fellow practitioners, yoga students can also gain a broader perspective on the diversity of each practice – sparking inspiration, insight, and empowerment.

In this guide, we will discuss the power of reflection and observation in the yogic journey, further exploring how reflecting on the practitioners in class can provide rich insight into your own practice and progress.

The Benefits of Reflection in Yoga

Reflection is truly a powerful tool for growth, and the practice of yoga offers an excellent platform for self-reflection – both individually and with the observation of fellow students.

During self-reflection, students can pause and consider the changes that have happened: Within their bodies, such as areas that have become stronger or where more flexibility has been gained; within their minds, such as how they’ve learned to control their emotions more; and within their spirits, such as the ways in which their connection with nature has shifted.

Reflection can also allow students to notice how specific practices have brought unique insight and clarity.

Reflection can also deepen the connection to your practice, as it allows practitioners to be thoughtful participants in their own transformation.

Through the questioning and inquiry of Yoga, it is possible to uncover relevant insight that helps to shape your practice in an exciting, transformative, and knowledge-based manner.

Furthermore, reflecting on the diversity and variety of other yogis within a studio is an excellent way to become further informed about yoga and appreciate the differences amongst practitioners.

Appreciating the differences between us all can also help us recognize our own individual strengths and limitations while we practice.

Observing Other Practitioners in Class and What You Can Learn

Considering another practitionerโ€™s practice is an excellent way to assess your own development, as well as study fresh and inventive alternatives to your regular poses.

Reflection on the style, practice and success of other yogis in the class help to provide inspiration and insight. When observing fellow practitioners, reflect on what has been possible for them and consider the progress that can be made by you.

Notice the shapes and sizes of the body and the differing capacities of practitioners.

Consider the difficulties that have been overcome, perhaps in reaching particular postures and deepening stretches.

Observe how experienced students deal with challenging postures, difficult emotions, and moments of personal struggle.

Witness the creativity of more experienced students by asking questions such as, โ€œWhat more can I bring to this posture?โ€

Also ask yourself, โ€œWhat can I do to help personalize each posture, as I build strength, flexibility, and balance?โ€

Dive deeper into postures by reflecting on the intensity of anotherโ€™s efforts. Notice the difference between challenging yourself and pushing too far, and move consciously between the two. Each yogi will have their unique approach and offer a unique perspective.

Consequently, consider the appropriate balance between challenge and ease to inform your own practice.

Integrating Reflection and Observation into Your Personal Practice

So, how can you use reflection and observation as tools to develop your practice? Below, weโ€™ve outlined a few simple ways in which reflection and observation can be used to truly honor and embrace your journey.

Embody Gratitude: Reflecting on other practitionersโ€™ practice can support practitioners in embodying gratitude on the mat. There is power in recognizing the progress of others, be it their commitment to the practice, or their progress in executing various poses.

Appreciate their courage, dedication, and enthusiasm for the practice, as these are priceless qualities that we all bring to our practice.

Increase Understanding: By studying the practice of others, you can understand the practice from multiple angles. This will help you become more agile and skilled in taking different approaches to postures and understanding the variations between each practitioner.

Focus on Your Own Internal Experience: Through observing others and using it as a tool for reflection, you can focus more on your own internal experience. For example, pay attention to the feelings and sensations evoked during each posture and their variation over time.

Recognize Setbacks and Celebrate Milestones: Reflection and observation can help to open pathways in exploring the progress made towards your long-term goals. By studying others, recognize times where you have pushed past a sense of discomfort or taken on a particular pose successfully, or when you have noticed a lack of progress. Both of these should be appreciated, as each indicates progress made in your practice.

Manage Self-Judgment: Another important benefit of the practice of observing others is managing the judgments that can become placed on the self. Reflection can be used to sit with these judgments in a respectful and compassionate way, understanding that everyone is unique and approaching their practice from a different place.

As you observe the practice of others, and draw from your own reflections, let go of any script that requires you to fit into a particular ideal.

Reflection and observation can both be used to honor the unique and beautiful practice of yourself – by recognizing that you are all connected in different ways, and you are all on a unique personal journey.

Recapping the Power of Reflection and Observation

The journey with yoga can often be full of setbacks, moments of success, and, often, self-doubt.

The practice of reflection and observation can help to soften the fluctuations in our practice while simultaneously increasing out sense of awareness and understanding.

By reflecting, we can gain a better understanding of the progress already made, allowing us to recognize our own strengths and personalize our own practice.

By observing fellow practitioners, we can increase our appreciation and connection to those around us, while learning valuable lessons that we can embed in our practice.

By cultivating the tools of reflection and observation, you can weave them into your practice to help provide clarity, focus, and inspiration. Through mindful reflection and observation, explore your personal objectives within yoga and develop a practice that honors your individual abilities, enabling a journey that is creative and personalized.


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