Mastering the Ancient Art of So Hum Meditation: Unveiling the Practice of “I am that, that I am”

Photo by Pixabay: Reflections of Self and Connection


So Hum meditation, also recognized as โ€œSo Hum Vicharaโ€ is a practice that has been used in the Hindu and Yoga traditions for centuries. This type of meditation technique is thought to be an effective form of self-inquiry that is said to quickly lead the practitioner to a deep meditative state of being.

It is a simple yet powerful practice of introspection, contemplation, and meditation used to sink deeply into a state of oneness with the source of our existence.

This form of meditation has been praised in Yoga and Vedic texts as a gateway to divine union and states of inner wisdom. In this guide, we will explore the history and spiritual meaning of the So Hum practice and will provide the benefits and steps to practice this meditative technique.

A Brief History of So Hum Meditation

So Hum meditation is one of the most ancient meditation practices in the world. It is believed that the practice of So Hum Yoga is as old as the Vedic period, tracing as far back as 1500-500 BCE. So Hum meditation is deeply rooted in Hinduism, as well as the Vedic and Upanishadic traditions.

The roots of So Hum Yoga and its connection to both spiritual and physical health have been part of the ancient yoga tradition for thousands of years and have been cited in yogic and vedic texts like the Upanishads.

The Meaning Behind So Hum Meditation

The term โ€˜So Humโ€™ is derived from the Sanskrit phrase โ€˜so’hamโ€™. The literal translation of this phrase is โ€˜I am thatโ€™ or โ€˜I am Heโ€™ in reference to the divine and universal force.

The deeper meaning of So Hum Vichara is that of oneness between the individual self and the divine source. The idea is that all things are interconnected and part of the same universal force, that each of us eternally connected to and part of the same divine being.

So Hum meditation is an attempt to reconnect us to the source of our being and help to bridge the gap between our individual consciousness and higher universal consciousness.

The Benefits of So Hum Meditation

So Hum meditation has a number of physical and mental health benefits, including an increased sense of overall calmness, peace, and relaxation.

Regular practice of So Hum meditation has been linked to increased levels of concentration and focus, enhanced creativity, improved emotional well-being, and greater spiritual understanding.

Additionally, this type of meditative practice is believed to stimulate the heart chakra, the fourth chakra in the bodyโ€™s energetic system that represents unconditional love and connectedness.

As the heart chakra is stimulated and opened, practitioners will likely experience increased feelings of compassion, kindness, and joy.

The Steps of So Hum Meditation

Now that we have a better understanding of So Hum meditation, letโ€™s take a look at the steps of the practice.

To get started, find a comfortable seated position such as lotus pose, half lotus pose, or Sukhasana, and make sure your back is straight and your spine is lengthened.

Once your body is in a comfortable posture, focus your attention on your breath.

1. Start by silently repeating So Hum with each inhalation and exhalation. “So” is spoken with every inhale and “Hum” is spoken with the exhale. So Hum is used to create a mantra or mantra-like intonation, reducing mental chatter and focusing the mind on the present moment and universal source.

2. At the same time, focus your attention on your belly, feeling it rise and fall with each breath until the action of breathing and speaking “so” and exhaling and speaking “hum” become innate.

3. Gently guide your attention back to the mantra whenever the mind wavers. Over time, your mind should relax into a state of calming stillness and heightened awareness, and you may begin to experience shifts in your consciousness.

4. When you are finished, take a few moments to sit in silence and savor any feelings of peace, relaxation, or connection with the universe and everything in it.

Final Thoughts on So Hum Meditation

So Hum meditation is an ancient practice of inner exploration and self-inquiry with roots in both Hinduism and Yogic traditions. The practice of So Hum is meant to be a way to reconnect to the source of our being, to express our oneness with the divine force.

With regular practice, practitioners are likely to experience a profound sense of inner peace, balance, and connection with a higher source of existence.

The benefits of So Hum Vichara can be substantial and can result in improved physical, mental, and emotional health.

All in all, So Hum meditation is an accessible and powerful practice that can offer practitioners a gateway to states of union with the divine.


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