Tag: Asana

  • How Making Errors in Asana Practice Can Prime Yogis to Have Compassion in Life

    How Making Errors in Asana Practice Can Prime Yogis to Have Compassion in Life

    It can be challenging to accept and integrate mistakes into our own experiences and those of others; we can use our asana practice to not only develop an appreciation of our own fragility and mistakes, but also to better understand the fragility of others.

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  • Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

    Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

    Tadasana is a fundamental pose that can benefit any yoga practice. It encourages proper alignment, helps build strength and stability, and brings balance to the whole body. Although a simple pose, it can teach important qualities such as mindfulness and patience. Whether used to start or finish a practice, Tadasana is an essential tool to become in tune with what’s happening in your body.

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  • How to Develop a Sustainable and Beneficial Home Yoga Practice

    How to Develop a Sustainable and Beneficial Home Yoga Practice

    those who commit to developing a successful home yoga practice will be rewarded with a journey of self-discovery, growth, and healing.

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  • The Science and Magic of using Yoga Props in Asana

    The Science and Magic of using Yoga Props in Asana

    When used correctly, props can become a powerful tool that helps us access a deeper understanding and connection with our practice. By being mindful of the physical, energetic, and psychological aspects at play, props can be used to seek balance, find understanding, and provide support in our practice.

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  • The Benefits of Yoga on Children’s Development: How to Optimize Brain and Body Activity

    The Benefits of Yoga on Children’s Development: How to Optimize Brain and Body Activity

    Yoga can be a beneficial tool for healthy physical, mental, and spiritual development in children. From increased focus and concentration to enhanced flexibility and strength, yoga provides an excellent foundation for children’s growth. With the right approach and a supportive environment, yoga can become an invaluable part of your child’s journey.

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  • The Complete Guide to Understanding the Virabhadra Story and its Implications in Asana Practice

    The Complete Guide to Understanding the Virabhadra Story and its Implications in Asana Practice

    Understanding Virabhadra’s character, and how it applies to a yogic lifestyle, can provide more insight to the way we practice, and can be applied to the physical poses in a range of ways. Becoming familiar with the story of Virabhadra can help to inform a yogi of the moral and physical implications of yoga and can help them to deepen their practice.

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  • Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

    Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

    Padmasana is a seat of meditative concentration, from which one can observe himself, his breathing, and the relationship between the inner and outer experiences. It is a posture of great power and insight, for with it comes moments of ultimate balance and understanding, and of honoring its ritualistic beauty. Through its practice and perseverance, Padmasana can elevate its practitioner to greater spiritual heights.

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  • Aging Gracefully with Yoga: How Mindful Practice Keeps You Strong in Later Years

    Aging Gracefully with Yoga: How Mindful Practice Keeps You Strong in Later Years

    No matter what age one begins their yoga practice, the mindful study of yoga can bring a range of physical, psychological and emotional benefits to those of all ages. With benefits ranging from diminished age-related anxiety and an increase in energy to help manage aches, pains and stiffness, yoga can be an important part of aging gracefully and feeling energetic and healthy during the later years of life.

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  • How Reflection in Yoga Classes Can Help Bring Perspective to Your Practice

    How Reflection in Yoga Classes Can Help Bring Perspective to Your Practice

    By cultivating the tools of reflection and observation, you can weave them into your practice to help provide clarity, focus, and inspiration. Through mindful reflection and observation, explore your personal objectives within yoga and develop a practice that honors your individual abilities, enabling a journey that is creative and personalized.

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  • Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

    Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

    Poses such as Matsyasana hold a special place in the practice of yoga and provide a powerful and transformative experience for practitioners. By unlocking the depths of this potent postural shape, practitioners can begin to transform their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

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