Tag: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

  • Increasing Pulmonary Function with Yoga

    Increasing Pulmonary Function with Yoga

    Yoga can be an effective tool for optimizing pulmonary health, with numerous studies continuously proving the positive effects of a regular practice. Through the selection of specific poses, utilization of pranayama breathing techniques, and a gradual introduction of intensity, yoga practitioners can strive towards improved pulmonary functions and improved quality of life.

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  • Increasing VO2 Max with Yoga

    Increasing VO2 Max with Yoga

    Increasing your VO2 max with yoga is a great way to improve your cardiovascular health, boost your performance, and reduce your risk for injury and age-related health issues. By selecting poses that open the chest and engaging Ujjayi breath, you can achieve your peak aerobic potential – with regular practice, your cardiovascular system and endurance will improve.

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