Tag: Virabhadrasana II

  • The Complete Guide to Understanding the Virabhadra Story and its Implications in Asana Practice

    The Complete Guide to Understanding the Virabhadra Story and its Implications in Asana Practice

    Understanding Virabhadra’s character, and how it applies to a yogic lifestyle, can provide more insight to the way we practice, and can be applied to the physical poses in a range of ways. Becoming familiar with the story of Virabhadra can help to inform a yogi of the moral and physical implications of yoga and can help them to deepen their practice.

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  • Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II pose)

    Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II pose)

    Virabhadrasana II is known to be an effective hip opener, as well as a way to strengthen and stabilize the legs. This pose is known to improve balance, focus, and posture. It is also a great way to challenge the body’s strength and flexibility simultaneously. Mentally, this pose is known to increase feelings of focus, courage, and determination.

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