Connect to Nature’s Energy Through Outdoor Sun Salutations

Photo by Annemarie Gruden

The Unconventional Allure of Outdoor Sun Salutations

Well known to both advanced yogis and beginner enthusiasts, sun salutations (or surya namaskar) are one of the most common yoga sequences practiced today. Incorporating postures linked by the power of breath and guided by the rhythm of one’s own heart beat, sun salutations are designed to move energy throughout the body to invigorate and enhance the spirit, mind and body. While most certainly beneficial when performed in the confines of an indoor studio, the energy and serenity of the great outdoors beckon even the most seasoned yogi to explore practicing sun salutations al fresco.

The Nature of Energy

For those that recognize the unique energy that only nature can offer, the call of the outdoors combined with the power of the sun salutation sequence is like an irresistible siren song that beckons us to explore the depths of transformation and deeper connection with the natural world. The ability to draw in energy through the practice of sun salutations is an old practice and can be seen in the stories of some of the world’s oldest civilizations, where the sun was seen as a deity to be worshiped and revered. For the sun is far more than the source of light that illuminates our days – it carries within it the power of energy, and the ability to open us to realms of possibility that can bring about greater realization.

The Benefits of Connection to Nature

Hitting the trail for an outdoor sun salutation practice can be a truly transformative experience, allowing us to tap into a connection to the greater universe that is far outside the walls of any yoga studio. By connecting to the energetic web that connects us all to the natural world around us, we can explore a greater sense of peace, stillness, and awareness that brings forth expanded possibilities of creative insight, inspiration and ultimately, healing.

Furthermore, the ritual of stepping out into nature can provide a platform to engage with a bigger picture that can help us to ground and return us to a greater sense of balance, fueling our spirit and uplifting our energy. When we are able to see the world around us through a lens of gratitude and understanding, we can build bridges to a fuller spectrum of mindful living that carries us through both the highs and lows with greater resilience.

The Space of Intention

Creating an intentional space for our practice is one of the best ways to begin any sun salutation practice, whether indoors or outside. Setting the intention for our practice should be an integral part of our yoga practice, regardless of location. An intention can provide a focal point that anchors our practice and directs our energy. When we are able to connect to our intention, the energy that is generated by sun salutations can be magnified tenfold.

When setting an intention for outdoor sun salutations, consider the actual nature of your chosen environment. Working with intention outdoors means more than simply visualizing a peaceful natural haven – it involves becoming consciously aware of the environment around you and incorporating it as a part of your practice. From the tall trees that provide you with shade, to the chirps of the birds overhead, to the evergreen scent of the forest, taking the time to explore and embrace your environment will bring your practice to a new and deeply immersive level.

Fresh Perspectives

Performing the same sequence of poses, whether indoors or outdoors, often leads to a routine and can eventually result in our practice losing its power. When practicing and exploring outdoors, it can be helpful to try a different approach. Taking a walk in your natural environment, take the opportunity to explore the different aspects around you, experimenting with new postures, shapes and movements that can be linked together and incorporated into your sun salutation sequence. This can help to enliven the energy of your practice while providing fresh perspective that allows you to explore the boundaries of your practice and push yourself toward deeper exploration and creative expression.

Become Responsive

In addition to exploring fresh postures and shapes outdoors, becoming responsive of the natural environment can also be a powerful element of the practice. By acknowledging and responding to the subtle nuances of the space – from the sound of the wind rustling the leaves, to the rushing of a nearby creek – we can build upon our practice and create a truly interactive experience. We’re also brought more to an acute awareness of the spirits that inhabit our surroundings, opening ourselves to possibilities and nuances that can only be accessed when we’re in tune with the natural word.

Celebrate the Moment

No matter whether we’re practicing indoors or outdoors, sun salutations are an incredibly powerful tool that can be used to cultivate connection to our environment and tap into the subtle energies of the natural world. Once your outdoor sun salutation practice has come to a close, take time to count your breaths and return to the present moment -for that’s where all the magic lies. Whether your find yourself in a quiet mountain meadow, a grassy meadow, or even a enclosed courtyard delight in the sacredness of the space you’ve created within, for that is indeed a gift that cannot be taken for granted.


An outdoor sun salutation practice can provide yogis of all level with an incredibly powerful and transformative experience. By engaging with intention to create a powerful energetic space, we can draw upon the life-force energy of nature to open us to higher realms of spiritual insight and life-affirming transformation. With careful observation and mindful practice, the call of the wild can beckon us to explore realms of awakening and deeper connection far beyond those achievable within indoor walls. With immense respect for its affect and influence, the great outdoors offers us the opportunity to celebrate the power of the sun’s energy, create a stronger connection to the spirits of the land, and influence greater power and lasting awareness into our lives.


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