Virabhadrasana III (Warrior III)

Photo by Dmitriy Frantsev: Warrior III

Virabhadrasana III, also known as Warrior 3, is an intense pose that requires strength, balance, and focus. The pose is named after the mythological warrior Virabhadra, who is said to have been created by the god Shiva to avenge the death of Sati, his wife.

Beneath the surface of this pose’s story, lies a complex combination of physical and mental elements that help improve strength and flexibility, while also deepening the understanding of the ancient practice.

In this guide, we will explore the anatomy, biomechanics, and philosophy of this classic pose and give a comprehensive instruction manual for helping you safely and effectively practice Warrior 3.

Anatomy of Virabhadrasana III

To understand the full scope of Warrior 3, it is important to understand the anatomy and biomechanics of the pose. The body position for this pose is essentially that of balance and counter balance, with one leg extended back and the arms reaching forward.

The physical structures of the body that are most engaged in the pose include the core muscles and all the muscles of the legs. The rectus abdominis, the transverse abdominis, the internal and external obliques, the piriformis, the glutes, and the quadriceps along with hamstrings, adductors and calf muscles, all work together to maintain stability and balance in Warrior 3.

The pose also requires a delicate balance of strength and flexibility. The supporting leg needs to be strong to hold the body in the airborne position while allowing enough control in the back leg and hip flexors to keep the standing knee slightly-bent comfortably. Note that the standing leg is engaged and strong, but the knee is not locked. The arms also need to be strong enough to maintain proper alignment.

As the poses is held, the hamstrings of the extended leg will be stretched as well as the calf muscles, creating an intense combination of heated energy that stimulates circulation and core stability.

Biomechanics of Virabhadrasana III

From a biomechanical perspective, Warrior 3 is an asymmetric pose that requires strength and coordination to be kept in proper alignment. The body balances on one leg, engaging the entire musculoskeletal system.

The hips are externally rotated on the side of the standing leg and internally rotated for the bent leg. This creates a slight arch to the spine, which stretches and strengthens the maintain muscles. When the pose is properly aligned, the arms and legs should form a straight line as the torso is in extension with the pelvis slightly tilted forward. The biomechanical elements of Warrior 3 are key to using the pose to its fullest potential.

Here, the extended leg needs to be in a hip flexed position with the foot pointed towards the wall behind them. This encourages the hip flexors to be fully engaged, while the core strengthens to balance the body. In Warrior 3, the arms act as an extension of the core, reaching forward in line with the spine.

The shoulder blades should be down and back, with the elbows slightly bent, while strong and stable. As the pose is held, the core and glutes helps keep the body upright and the arms lift towards the ceiling until it is perfectly parallel to the floor.

Philosophy of Virabhadrasana III

The philosophy of any yoga pose is meant to guide its practice. Virabhadrasana III is of no exception. As the pose brings the left leg back and the arms stretch forward, it can be seen as a journey of self-discovery.

The longer one holds the pose, the harder it becomes, until eventually the mind is tested by physical and mental limits. Our fears, anxieties, and insecurities all come to the surface, but with the right attitude, can be used as a catalyst for transformation.

To master Warrior 3 is to come face to face with our innermost emotions and to allow them to rise and to become more powerful. This pose requires patience, mental and physical strength, and a deep understanding of the power it can unlock within us. It can be seen as a metaphor for facing what lies ahead and finding strength that is buried deep within our souls.

Warrior 3 is an expression of heart-centered awareness, found through deep inner focus – the ability to be conscious and present in the moment, no matter the challenge that lies ahead.

Safety and Technique for Virabhadrasana III

To ensure the bodyโ€™s safety when practicing Virabhadrasana III, proper form and technique should be adhered to at all times. Here are 9 steps for safe practice:

1. Stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) with your feet hip width apart.

2. Keep your navel drawn in as you hinge at your hips allowing your torso to become parallel to the floor. Reach your arms straight out in front of you, shoulder-width apart, ensuring your shoulder blades are drawing towards your spine.

3. As your arms reach forward, use your “non standing leg” as a counter balance to your arms. Allow the leg to lift behind you until it is also parallel to the floor and in line with the arms.

4. Keep your shoulders and hips level as you hold the pose for up to 1 minute.

5. To come out, slowly come back to Tadasana, keeping your chest lifted throughout.

6. Repeat on the opposite side.

Benefits of Virabhadrasana III

Virabhadrasana III is an intense pose with a plethora of health benefits. Physically, the pose strengthens and tones the body, improves balance, and creates core stability.

It helps to open the hips, lengthen the spine, and stretches the arms, shoulders, and legs. It also helps to improve digestion and stimulate circulation.

On an emotional level, the pose helps cultivate mental focus, emotional balance, and inner peace. It energizes and revitalizes the body and mind while allowing us to remain in a still, centered state. It also helps us to overcome mental and physical challenges, thus bringing us a sense of accomplishment and a boost in our self-confidence.


With anatomical and biomechanical understanding of Virabhadrasana III coupled with a deeper sense of its philosophy, it is now possible to safely and effectively participate in the practice of Warrior 3. This pose can be a source of strength, flexibility, balance and mental focus. It is also an opportunity to take on physical and mental challenges with an open heart and a determination for self-transformation. With the correct alignment, practice of this pose can help you discover your inner power and live with clarity and purpose.


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